Methodology Revealed: NGAGE 2.0 National Gambling Survey Research 2021
NGAGE 2.0 (2021) utilized a comprehensive online survey methodology to examine gambling attitudes and experiences across the United States. The survey collected responses from 2,000 adults between April 12-29, 2021, strategically timed after the NCAA March Madness tournament.
Key Methodology Features:
- Available in English and Spanish
- Mobile-responsive design for all devices
- Representative demographic quotas
- Post-survey weighting for educational attainment alignment
- Random question ordering to eliminate bias
Sample Characteristics:
- National sample of 2,000 adults
- Coverage: Continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii
- Conducted by Ipsos using multiple market research panels
- Demographic matching with U.S. Census Bureau data
Credibility Intervals:
- Full sample (n=2,000): ±2.5%
- n=1,000: ±3.5%
- n=500: ±5.0%
- n=200: ±7.9%
Comparison to NGAGE 1.0 (2018):
- Previous survey used 3,000 respondents
- 2021 version maintained similar credibility despite smaller sample
- Some demographic subgroup analyses limited due to sample size
- Identical question wording for continued items
- New topics added: financial investments and COVID-19 impact
- Standard survey error sources apply (coverage, measurement)
- Some demographic categories may not total 100% due to incomplete responses
- Smaller sample size limits certain racial/ethnic group comparisons
Person gambling on mobile phone